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Services Overview

Product Videography Services

Our videography team is ready to work with local, Pacific Northwest businesses. Increase your brand awareness, user experience, and ultimately increase your ROI through the power of video.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are great for helping your customers understand how your product works. These videos work well for Amazon, eBay, and other e-commerce listings. Get started on your show-and-tell marketing strategy by contacting our team today.

Unboxing Videos

Unboxing videos are popular for small businesses because they help brand familiarity. This style of video is more than opening and box and showing its contents. Make a great first impression with your customers with an unboxing video.

Demo Videos

Want to grow the number of satisfied customers? Try a demo video for your product brand. Demo videos also help persuade your customers to purchase your products.

FAQ Videos

A FAQ video increases trust and credibility. Furthermore, it enhances user experience. If your business is looking for these benefits to promote your products, contact Baker Peak Media today. We can help you develop higher conversion rates.

Story-Based Videos

Story-based, or lifestyle videos are relatable narrative-based content that presents a solution using emotion. This style of video creates an emotional connection with your customers and helps to increase brand recall.

Highlight Videos

Highlight videos showcase the ultimate benefits for the customer. This style is similar to demo videos but are normally more "flashy" and work well on social media. Contact our team today to get started.

make-up products for women
Contemeporary videographer or cameraman adjusting video camera options



Baker Peak Media understands that smaller businesses may not have large budgets for product videography services. Without sacrificing quality, we’ve introduced our packages at more affordable rates compared to other production companies. 

Baker Peak Media



This is a small sample of e-commerce businesses we’ve worked with. Ready to get started with product videography for your company?

get in touch with baker peak media